Have you seen the movie The Ten Commandments?
If you liked the movie, you would love the book. To read the original and authentic version, open up the chumash to the sedra this week, Véschanan. All ten are fascinating, interesting, and beneficial to all of us, but we're gonna focus on just one of them now: Honor thy father and mother.
Did you know that kibud av vaem is the only commandment
that is required of us to fulfill after death too? No, this isn´t a horror film; the dead
person remains in the grave at all times. What I mean is that even after a parent
dies they must still be treated with and spoken about with the same respect
as if they were alive.
Who do we know that was famous for his kibud av vaem?
The first person is Esav.
Then, there's also the famous story in the gemorah of Dama Ben Nesina.
What do these two people have in common besides possessing strange
They both were not Jewish.
Interestingly, the only people
mentioned in the Torah for their outstanding behavior towards their
parents are non-Jews. How could it be that the one
commandment which we are obligated to follow during life as well as after death is
not even being fulfilled properly by Jews- only by the other nations?
So there's a machlokes- argument in the gemorah about the complications of the mitzva of kidud horim. Rav Yochanan said 'lucky is the person who's an
orphan'. This statement was alluding to the fact that the mitzva of kibud av vaem is the most difficult mitzva in the Torah.
There's another gemorah that says that fulfilling this mitzva
properly is so hard, that it's better not to have been born at all.
How weird is that? Nowhere else do we see the Torah speaking this way!
Is it also better to be born without an arm so we don't have to wear
tefillin? Or without knees so we don't have to cover them?
Why is
this commandment so especially hard for Jews to keep, but non-Jews
can excel at it?
Let's hear the Maharal's perspective on it.
were brought into this world by our parents. Without them, we wouldn't
be. I know its hard to picture the world without us, but it would go on
even with that loss. We owe our parents everything, just for
bringing us here.
One of the
most fundamental aspects of Judaism is the knowledge that we are
presently living in a temporary world, walking through it in order to
get to the real world.
But, there's only one person that will be responsible for my entrance into the next world. Not Dad. Not Mom. Not God. Only me.
Our non-Jewish neighbors and fellow world inhabitants are born to eat pepperoni pizza
and Big Macs. They live for material pleasures and gastronomical pleasure and sensual pleasure and fashion pleasures.They are created, and then brought into the world.
This is the place they live for. Therefore, it's logical for them to be overflowing with
gratitude to their parents for
bringing them into the world of their dreams.
There is no other way they
could've gotten here to be able to experience their wordly pleasures.
The Jews, however, were brought into this world, where we spend all our waking hours living for the next world.
Don't get me wrong- I have an unbreakable bond with my pizza. Don't even try getting between us. But even while eating pizza, or sushi, or shwarma...or, while vacationing in Puerto Rico or Cancun....or while driving my BMW or wearing my beautiful ring of diamonds, I'm supposed to be
focusing on and striving toward my eternal life in the real world.
That. Is. Hard.
So, since we're just paying rent here and not
buying a permanent home, maybe we're not naturally that full of gratitude to our parents, because we're not really that thrilled to be here at all.
Our parents have
nothing to do with our entrance to the next world. Only we do. And
that's the world we're living for. So, perhaps we have a more difficult time
respecting them and honoring them than the others have.
since we
could never get to our eternal home without first passing through here,
it´s imperative to recognize everything our parents did for us and
continue to do
for us- from giving us life, to the constant
physical and emotional support they supply us with, the list will have
no beginning and no end. Therefore, the respect that we should have for
them is equally limitless- and that's why the mitzva extends into the grave.
"Children are a great comfort in your old age - and they help
you reach it faster, too" :)
Have a great shabbos!
This is awesome! Thanx